Book Review 15: No Makeup On

Book title: No Makeup On

Subtitle:The Rebirth of Identity

Author: Hope Babigumira

Pages: 150

I got this book from a friend (Hey Prossy) and I promised her that I would be done within a week,little did I know that a week was too long for me to devour 150 pages. Hope Babigumira thank you for sharing your story with me. Here goes my review….

No makeup on is a transparent book with a grace-filled story.


Hope is born into a good family with father ,mother,siblings, a good house and good schools and so much more. Her parents care so much to give them a good education and therefore ensure they enroll them into the best schools in Kabale, because hey, the right foundation is important.

As with many Ugandan stories, death snatches their father away from them and the once well off family lands on a stranger-STRUGGLE. Her mother has to pick up what is left and fend for her babies along with other dependents ,who she had to eventually release because she was unable to help them any longer. As if the loss of their father wasn`t enough, death visited again and snatched away their little brother. It could have been Hope but as fate would have it, the brother sat in her place and boom,the wall hit him hard.

Hope on the other hand goes through her own struggles. She struggles to fit in, be cool, body consciousness and sensitivity, sexual abuse, drinking and partying, daddy issues, abortion.

Armed with a distorted self image, Hope ends up getting pregnant for the first man who treated her like a queen. Her perspective on love was what Mills and Boon had served her with, a handsome money with a body to die for, would meet you and you fall in love instantly ,have sex and live happily ever after. But this wasn`t the case, this handsome man got her pregnant and he wanted nothing to do with her. Stuck with a pregnancy in her Senior six, her friends advise her to abort and she goes through with it. This left her with a feeling of guilt only God can heal anyone from.

She  moves on to Makerere University, her cycle never ends, drinking, partying, and sex never stop. She graduates, starts the work journey but has no idea of saving or handling money better ,which is the case with many graduates and those still at the university. She is on a journey to financial freedom and writing a book is one of the chapters on this journey.

She meets her husband, they fall in love and move on to start a family. She comes back to her church roots (she was raised in a christian home with strong christian values) because she was tired of life as she knew it and needed to be better for her daughter.

A friend recommends her to a church-worship Harvest where she heard the gospel of grace. She could n`t believe that God wanted anything to do with her after her dark past, but indeed He wanted everything to do with her. God has dealt with her daddy issues, distorted identity, sexual abuse trauma, low self esteem and so much more. He has restored her to Himself and to her purpose.

It is evident through her journey that she has learned invaluable lessons, found her voice and her purpose. She is ready to live her life with purpose and impact the next generation of young ladies.

I recommend this book to every girl/woman out there, we all have issues we are dealing with similar to Hope`s.We need someone to tell a story we relate too/with and Hope does that in her book.You are guaranteed to have `AHA!!’ moments as you flip the pages.

To all the ladies out there, you are enough.You FATHER loves you deeply.He rejoices over you with singing. Be brave.Be you.

Get a copy of the book  at Aristoc -30,000 Ugx




Book review 14: How to be happy though married

Book title: How to be happy though married


Author:Tim LaHaye

I am not married yet 😅 but this didn’t stop me from devouring this book. Tim LaHaye is a pastor and counsellor who openly discusses issues on how two Christians can write and overcome their issues in a practical manner.

The book is centered on how two Christians unite to form one spiritual, emotional, and physical body .Each chapter explores a key, giving scriptural backup,counselling experiences and realities,sealing it with research.

The keys include; opposite attract where he explores various temperaments (more on this in his book,spirit controlled temperaments).couples ought to know their temperament and understand it.

Key 2: Forget yourself.My favorite quote ,”do you want your wife to treat you like a king?then treat her like a queen!!”

“Most counsellors acknowledge three basic areas of marital adjustment -mental,physical and spiritual.Proper adjustment in each of these areas is necessary to create a well rounded marriage.”

The author raises must answered questions, “how do you socialise when married?is appearance important in marriage?how much information to give away to outsiders?how to raise children,church to go to and so much more. He offers answers and real examples from various couples he has counselled which makes the book very practical.

He takes time to talk candidly about sex,goes to length to give a detailed explanation of how the male and female body behaves during sex.

This book is highly educative with a balance of research from various authors and the greatest author -God. Being a Christian,the Bible verses and revelation put perspective on each point.

I highly recommend this book to all those courting and intending to marry, marrieds,marrieds mentoring other young couples. This can be used as a study book.

I recommend it for ladies who need perspective on information they get in bridal showers, relationship conferences.

Book image:

Hosting tips 101

Ever had people crushing over at your place for a few days,weeks,a month or two,years?
I have been hosted before by friends and I have learnt a couple of things about hosting people. There are hosting Dynamics and today Rachel and I share tips on how to be a good host.These tips are in no particular order.

+Always know your people.What do they like to eat,what are they allergic to.This helps to plan better for their stay.

+Plan!plan ahead for their coming.Stock whatever you need to stock for their stay.

+Don’t change your menu for your guests.Make adjustments depending on who likes what but don’t do a 360 on your menu.This might be costly and draining as well on your pocket,house help if you have one or yourself too.

+Take/accept the help.The more people in the house, there is multiplication of house chores.Incase a guest asks to help out ,let them help.

+Ask for help.Remember some of these guests,like to work and if African ,they have been trained to work and might be uncomfortable sitting all day.Ask them for help.This helps you bond and you could learn something new about each other.

+You are bound to meet people of various cultures.don’t be alarmed.

+For guests who stay for long;months or years, purposefully involve them in the house chores and activities.If you go by a rota include them that way they appreciate and are part of the family and it also lifts the burden off of you to do everything. Everyone has to have some form of responsibility.

+It is important to know how long a guest is staying, especially if you are in a family setting, that way there is no uncertainty and family members are well prepared. Guests who stay for Ununspecified days can easily feel like a burden and there could be the anxiety of how long is the person staying.To avoid such discomfort and uncertainity,it is good to know the length of the stay.

+Be ready to be vulnerable.This comes with letting someone in your space.Be yourself and don’t adjust your lives completely. Let the guest adjust to your system (this can be added to the menu as well)

+It is great to learn from your guests as well, as much as it is your house, your rules, try to involve some of their ways especially if they are from a different culture. You could ask them to cook a common dish of theirs or show you how they do their things. This way the guest feels appreciated and is able to involve a part of them in the family

+When a guest does something wrong or off, it is OK and right to tell them directly and in a kind and polite way. It is so easy to find yourselves discussing the guest behind their back with other family members yet the issue would have easily been resolved by speaking to them. This can also breed contempt and ruin the whole experience.

+Always consult with your family members before agreeing to host someone, that way they are prepared cause even if you are the one taking care of most of the things, they have a right to know and agree as their space will be invaded/interrupted

+Considering all the above, it is actually OK to say no to hosting someone, it doesn’t make you a bad person, it does take grace and quite some work, so be willing to give 100% rather than say yes and your heart is not in it. Whatsoever you do,do it with all diligence as unto the Lord and not man.

This post was co-authored by Racheal Atieno-my Kenyan sister,who has hosted me and so many other people at her home in Nairobi over the years. It is right to say her home is international 😂😂.

Kindly leave your views in the comment section.

Photo credit: Gakosun Photography

©Racheal Kizza 2018

Taking stock One

Hey hey, September is upon us.
I finally got around to taking stock. The first time I saw it was on chocolaty prints and then on Sharon Mundia’s blog Check out both blogs,they are amazing.

Here goes my very first….

Making: Tough decisions,that are big and bold. They are definitely scaring me but hey,I am doing it afraid.

Eating: Muesli.It is the perfect breakfast plan. It has Oats, sunflower and sesame seeds, coconut,nuts and raisins. It’s filling,low on calories and gluten free. I have it with strawberry yogurt or milk.

Drinking: Lots of water.I have no skin care routine ,hydration is the way to go.🤸🤸🤸

Reading: David & Goliath by Malcolm GladWell. An amazing book, about underdogs,misfits and the art of battling Giants.

Wanting:To travel.I want to lay in a hammock ,cover my face with a big pink hat,sip on some coconut juice.hehehehe

Playing: Promise keeper by Israel Houghton and Travis Greene .Off Israel’s new it’s on replay.

Wasting: no time in self pity.It leaves you feeling sad, negative,and depressed.In such a state,you can’t celebrate other people’s wins.

Creating: More time to create content for the blog,read and engage in business.

Wishing:I didn’t fear anything.

Enjoying:my thoughts.😂😂

Wondering:about my life. Growing up is hardwork.

Loving:Hearing my mother pray.This is a sound I could listen to all day.A praying mother is everything.

Hoping:for things to get better.

Marvelling:at God’s goodness.I see Him at work ,lifting people up to high places.

Smelling:Splendor by Elizabeth Arden.This perfume smells of the boss life.

Wearing:heels again.yaaaay!!! Exactly a year after my boda accident.My leg has healed and back to normal.Thank you Jesus.

Following: Malaika Nyanzi.I respect her hustle. Anyone who knows her,I want to meet her😉😉

Noticing:People power.#FreeBobi couldn’t be ignored by the world and our government as well.

Knowing:that not all people will appreciate what they have.

Bookmarking: Worship Wreck blog articles.

Opening: up to the idea of having my hair in permanent dreads.I wanted to do this at 30 but I feel like I am ready.hehehe

Giggling:at people’s status updates.

Feeling: Hopeful about September.I am all for new beginnings.

Happy New month my people.

Sending you blessings galore .