Royal Sisterhood 2019: Harnessing Influence

This year’s Women`s day was special to me for a number of reasons. One reason was – Royal sisterhood. I had always wanted to attend the Royal sisterhood gathering held at Worship Harvest Naalya but never got around to it. This year I got to be apart,thanks to a friend who decided to sponsor me even though I had put it in my budget😂😂. Surely God was speaking, right or right??!!

This year`s theme was,“Harnessing Influence’’ and the speakers did the theme justice right from Cindy Adong who talked abit about skin care to Eunice Adubango ,Beatrice Byemanzi and lastly Moses Mukisa. There was soothing music from Charlene and her crew. This gurl can siiiinnnnngggggggg y’all.

Anyway, since many people were asking for snippets of what was shared, this is me laboring to share a 3 hour event into a few words.

Cindy Adong a make- up artist emphasized the need to invest in good skin care products and make up products.

Eunice Adubango shared her story and one quote stood out for me

“You are the light of the world. When light is switched it asserts itself ‘’ –For some reason the scripture reference of this quote made me think hard on it. When I walk into my room and turn on the light,it doesn`t light just a few areas of the room,it asserts itself everywhere,unashamed.

Beatrice Byemanzi

Bee 3 kicked off her session with asking ladies for the meaning of harnessing .The answer we settled for was harnessing means to make use of. In our context, making use of your influence.

Make use of your influence but remember it starts from within. You can`t add new wine to old wine skins, they will burst. Why? Because they don`t have the capacity for the new one. In the same way, you need to shade off the old thinking patterns, the old rhythms of your life and create new ones that will help you make use of your influence. Stop playing small, the world needs to hear your voice. (Scripture reference Luke 6:36-39)

Practical exercises from Bee3 that you can do at home.

Do you think you have influence over anyone?, How far have you seen yourself go with your influence?, 5 categories of people you have influence over

Mosze`s sharing was titled Honey we are expecting-Luke 1:39-45

He left us with questions to ponder on during the session and for life;

1.Do you know the value of what you`re carrying? (Luke 1:42-45)

Many times we never know the value of what we are carrying and I am a culprit,I get torn between knowing and forgetting and people always jolt me out of the not knowing phase. Mosze admonished us to be super encouragers, call out greatness in others.

2.Are you choosing the right environment for your baby?

When you know the value of what you`re carrying, you choose you`re environment carefully. Find people of like minds, people who have been where you want to go, People who cheer your dream on.

3.Have you made the decision to carry your baby to full term?

There was no doubt people were stirred up to think practically about harnessing their potential in whatever fields of work and stages of life they are at.

PS: Take note of the scriptures and go back to your room and eat them .Answer the questions embedded in this article not for me but for yourself and go ahead and harness your influence.

Photo credit: Worship Harvest Ministries

©Racheal Kizza 2019