Day 19 of #BOTY2019: Function/Show/Festival

I almost skipped Day 19 because I skipped attending a certain festival this year,which would have been a perfect entry for this day. I also missed out on seeing Jidenna in the flesh because I didn`t attend ASFAS -Abryanz Style and Fashion Awards and Blankets and Wine.

Not to worry,I made it to all the African Writers Trust events which had cool writers like Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi ,Jackie Kay,Okey Ndibe. When Billy Kahora was in town for the  launch his new book-The Cape Cod Bicycle War and other stories, I was there.


Here is a link  to those events-

I also attended an aunt`s 10 year wedding anniversary where I was an MC. I  have officially become the family MC. It Feels good to be trusted with such responsibility. LOOL!!

I`m  planning on attending the finale of Aka dope with George the Poet this Friday. I hope I go through with it.George the poet performed the official poem for the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Did you attend any  function/show/festival that  this  year? Do tell.

Day 17 of #BOTY2019: App you discovered

I will dive right into this because I never go looking for new apps. I have good friends who will keep me updated on what is working and can work well for me.

As I worked on an influencer gig this year, a friend I made while there, introduced me to videoder -a free YouTube downloader and converter app. This app solved all my downloading problems.I could download music, comedy clips and so much more in any format. How cool is that?!! If you haven`t used videoder ,try it today and thank me later.

Share with me those apps that have made life easy for you in 2019.  

Day 6 of #BOTY2019: Album

What is an album?

According to Collins dictionary,An album is a collection of songs that is available for download, or as a CD or record. You can also refer to the CD or record as an album.

On that note, the award goes to;

Long Live Love -Kirk Franklin

This man is a musical genius and this album speaks and shows that off . The lyrical content is rich,the instrumentals and melodies are to die for. I love every song and I`ve had the album on replay since I got it.

How can it be that you love the most unlovable part of me, of me?
How could you see your life was the only gift I’ll ever need to be free?
It’s amazing with you, I win even if I lose
Everything’s working for my good for always
He saved the day
He will come through
He won’t doubt, that’s not what super heroes do (Hallelujah)
No greater love makes my heart beat
All I wanna do is make you proud of me (that’s why)
-Love Theory
Sanyu by Sanyu
Sanyu is one of the best albums I`ve listened to this year. Every song has a story to tell and my favorite off the album is Beauty but again,I like all the 10 songs. She has mad vocal strength. If you love India Arie, like me,you will love everything about Sanyu.
Follow her on Facebook:


Share with me your best album this year. 

Day 5 of #BOTY2019:Song

“Where words leave off,music begins”-Heinrich Heine,was a German poet, writer and literary critic.

Music puts into words emotions,experiences,drama and adds spice,rhythm,tunes,melodies and gives you harmonies,stability and the `I know what your going through feel.`’

My best song this year has been Goodness of God by Bethel music.

All my life you have been faithful

All my life you have been so, so good

With every breath that I am able,

I will sing of the goodness of God

I have seen the goodness of God over and over in 2019.He has held my hand through the good and the bad and this song painted this journey so well.

I have my playlist full of favorite songs but this has been my anthem.

What has been your IT song this year? Share in the comment section below.


Taking Stock 13

November was a good month.I felt exhilarated from day one and by the last week,I was jittery. I had forgotten ,all about my stock taking series because my queen mother was unwell ,and that was all I could think about. Now that,we are well and back home,I can tell you all about my November.

Making: blog drafts for #BOTY2019 (Best of the Year ),a challenge created by Afrobloggers for bloggers.


Source: Afro Bloggers

Eating: healthy food-salads,boiled Irish potatoes with avocados,millet porridge.


Reading: Daughters who walk this path by Yejide Kilanko

Wanting:more of God

Playing:music. It soothes my soul

Wasting:no time in reading a good book,getting what I want

Creating: blogs for #BOTY2019

Wishing: for an overwhelming December -in a good way

Wondering: about life and death, why we can`t seem t mind our business

Hoping:for an overwhelming December-in a good way

Marvelling: at the power of collective effort,power of social media

Smelling: Christmas.Do you smell it?lol

Wearing:sweater and scarves. Ugandan weather is playing to the tunes of rain and sunshine but I`m ready for both tunes.

Following: God`s leading or at least trying

Noticing: how growth attracts opportunities,money and so much more.

Knowing: that I have the best support system .

Bookmarking: birthday messages from friends.These revealed to me what they think and know about me. It`s a humbling experience.

Feeling: HAPPY

Rest in December,

Love on Love


Pick me up Bible verses

Hello wonderful people,

Welcome back to this street.

Today I want to share with y’all some Bible verses that have been encouraging me since January.

Depending on the season I am going through, I find encouragement in each and every scripture.


“The Lines fallen to me in pleasant places;Yes,I have a good inheritance.’


`Weeping may endure for a night,But joy comes in the morning.’

+2 Peter 1:3

`As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.’

+Romans 8:32

`And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.’

+Daniel 11:32b

`but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.’

+Numbers 23:19

`God is not a man,that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?’


Ps: Writing this post has been therapeutic and re-energizing.

Do share a Bible verse that has gotten you through a season this year.

Swap & Talk

Last Sunday, I had the pleasure and honor of attending an eccentric event by Rebecca Nanjego ,the organizer of Swap and Talk. Swap and Talk is an event aimed at fostering a sense of community among women through sharing.

This was the second edition and the theme was Living purposefully and the amazing Flavia Tumusiime shared snippets on the theme. We had beautiful ballads from the amazing Shifa Musisi,this gurl can sing.

My take home from Flavia`s talk was,
1. If you don’t like your job, use it as a means to get to your dream job/what you want to do passionately.

2. Expose yourself and expand your environment. Exposure to new environments and people has life lessons that cannot be taught in school. You learn, share and connect with others when exposed.

3. Have money goals and be specific, ask yourself how you will achieve them. This was mind blowing because I have never had money goals since I left university.

We got to the best part of the event, Swap Swap. How does Swapping work. We were each required to carry items in good condition ranging from bags, sun glasses, dresses, skirts, jeans, work pants, shoes, bags and so much more. They were organised neatly which made the swap so easy. We all picked out items we loved. I got me a beautiful top and chiffon blazer which joined my work closet and a beautiful royal blue dress that gives me summer vibes.

I had a great time meeting other bloggers who I have been watching on Instagram like Cate (@cateayellah), Nicolette(@kana_pata) ,Fiona (@fionakemi) and Naava(@naavagladys) .These lady bawses are doing the most,go ahead and check them out,they have amazing content.
Photo credit: Akena Hillen (Swap & Talk)

Royal Sisterhood 2019: Harnessing Influence

This year’s Women`s day was special to me for a number of reasons. One reason was – Royal sisterhood. I had always wanted to attend the Royal sisterhood gathering held at Worship Harvest Naalya but never got around to it. This year I got to be apart,thanks to a friend who decided to sponsor me even though I had put it in my budget😂😂. Surely God was speaking, right or right??!!

This year`s theme was,“Harnessing Influence’’ and the speakers did the theme justice right from Cindy Adong who talked abit about skin care to Eunice Adubango ,Beatrice Byemanzi and lastly Moses Mukisa. There was soothing music from Charlene and her crew. This gurl can siiiinnnnngggggggg y’all.

Anyway, since many people were asking for snippets of what was shared, this is me laboring to share a 3 hour event into a few words.

Cindy Adong a make- up artist emphasized the need to invest in good skin care products and make up products.

Eunice Adubango shared her story and one quote stood out for me

“You are the light of the world. When light is switched it asserts itself ‘’ –For some reason the scripture reference of this quote made me think hard on it. When I walk into my room and turn on the light,it doesn`t light just a few areas of the room,it asserts itself everywhere,unashamed.

Beatrice Byemanzi

Bee 3 kicked off her session with asking ladies for the meaning of harnessing .The answer we settled for was harnessing means to make use of. In our context, making use of your influence.

Make use of your influence but remember it starts from within. You can`t add new wine to old wine skins, they will burst. Why? Because they don`t have the capacity for the new one. In the same way, you need to shade off the old thinking patterns, the old rhythms of your life and create new ones that will help you make use of your influence. Stop playing small, the world needs to hear your voice. (Scripture reference Luke 6:36-39)

Practical exercises from Bee3 that you can do at home.

Do you think you have influence over anyone?, How far have you seen yourself go with your influence?, 5 categories of people you have influence over

Mosze`s sharing was titled Honey we are expecting-Luke 1:39-45

He left us with questions to ponder on during the session and for life;

1.Do you know the value of what you`re carrying? (Luke 1:42-45)

Many times we never know the value of what we are carrying and I am a culprit,I get torn between knowing and forgetting and people always jolt me out of the not knowing phase. Mosze admonished us to be super encouragers, call out greatness in others.

2.Are you choosing the right environment for your baby?

When you know the value of what you`re carrying, you choose you`re environment carefully. Find people of like minds, people who have been where you want to go, People who cheer your dream on.

3.Have you made the decision to carry your baby to full term?

There was no doubt people were stirred up to think practically about harnessing their potential in whatever fields of work and stages of life they are at.

PS: Take note of the scriptures and go back to your room and eat them .Answer the questions embedded in this article not for me but for yourself and go ahead and harness your influence.

Photo credit: Worship Harvest Ministries

©Racheal Kizza 2019

Love Has Come-A concert

Today,I come bearing good tidings,“Love Has Come” You must be wondering,what love has come,from where,by who and where do you put it or what do you do with it?? Sit back and I give you all the 411.

Love Has Come is a concert organised by Worship Harvest Kibuye,one of the many locations under Worship Harvest Ministries.

It is happening on 13th December ,2018 at Muganzirwaza commercial building (the home of Worship Harvest Kibuye) from 7:00pm-9:00pm. Tickets go for 10,000/=

The concert is a way of giving thanks to God for all the great things He has done and continues to do at Worship Harvest Kibuye. What better way to celebrate than through music with the world.

The headlining artistes are Brian Lubega who has popular and loved songs like Nungamya, Wakitiibwa,Wegukubira -my personal favorite under his belt.Check him out of Facebook

Walter Wa an artist,producer and the location pastor of WHKibuye will be ministering in some of his songs Kaneyagale, Njayaniragwe,Winner feauturing Levixone and so much more. Check out his music on soundcloud

Denis Beloved a versatile artist, with songs like Taking over,New Creation and Inyin Yesu(one of my favorite songs) and You do me well. Check out his music on soundcloud him out on Facebook

Secure your ticket now ,comment and I will deliver it to you.

See you there!!

#1: What now??

I am almost ashamed to greet you all and say happy new year . A month has already passed and I honestly didn`t know what to write about. Not sure if it was writer`s block or just unseriousness that stopped me from scribbling unordinary things here??(*insert wondering emojis*)

It`s a sunny afternoon and I decided to write something down as I read through a new found blog by a 24 year old girl travelling the world for a living- and listening to Do it again by elevation worship( I have had this song on replay since Jan, ) The song is off their new album, Evidence. Go check it out. It`s beautiful and befitting for our KING.

I can`t get enough of each phrase. I want it to saturate my very being till I am bowed in a posture of worship in my writing, walking, talking, dreaming,beliefs  so whoever encounters me has Godly encounters.

Now that January is over, what next? The hype for new years resolutions is out the door.We are into the love month, what now? Do we still remember our plans for 2018??

Image result for what now images

This year I am excited about a number of things and I will share two that are close to my heat-GANG and walking a journey with a few amazing ladies.

What is GANG?In my own words, GANG is a yearlong discipleship and leadership  huddle geared towards helping young people in Worship Harvest ministries grow in all spheres. I am in GANG with amazing young people and I look forward to learning from each one of them, have great collaborations too (shout out to Mable).

PS: Our Gang leaders are soooooo cool.

Walking with a few amazing ladies which is loosely translated as mentoring. This year I believe ,this is one of the areas God is growing me in. I am no expert at mentoring,hehehe. However, with God being in the driver`s seat, I fear nothing. He makes all things beautiful in His timing and I am excited to meet with these ladies and simply do life with them.

What are your 2018 plans and how  far  have you gone with executing them?????


Welcome to 2018.

Happy new year.