Day 25 of # BOTY2019: Christmas looks like

It’s Christmas day and day 25 of the Best of the Year blog challenge. I made it this far,that’s what Christmas looks like-achieving that resolution you set and being grateful.

Thank you for staying with me for this 25 day challenge. Afro bloggers thank you for the prompts. I`m filled with gratitude for ending my year on such a high note.

Christmas is a time when I remember the greatest gift of all time to mankind-Jesus. The christian story begins with a boy born in a manger. What manner of love is this that God gave us His only begotten son? Now more than ever,I know the significance of today.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

See you right here in 2020.

Day 24 of #BOTY2019: Christmas Spirit: Best Gift Ideas

Books are my favorite gifts to give and receive-Okey Ndibe

Here is my list of gift ideas;

  1. Books
  2. Perfume
  3. Shoes -sneakers,heels and everything along these lines.
  4. Gift hampers with a bottle of wine and whatever else they add to this equation.
  5. An envelope with cash.( Hi Santa,I want this one too)
  6. House shopping
  7. Paying bills

PS; I listed ideas of things that I would want to get.hehehe!!

Add your best gift idea to my list.

Day 23 of #BOTY2019: Online personalities that changed your year

Day 23,woow!! To be honest,I have wanted to give up since day 20. This challenge has stretched me so tight.

Here are the personalities that I have enjoyed following.

1.Flavia K. Tumusiime

This chic is a power house. I love her because she knows what she wants and goes for it. Her YouTube channel is a breath of fresh air. Follow her YouTube channel and see what I`m talking about.

2. Billy Chapata

I follow Billy on twitter and love all his tweets. His writing is soul deep.

Billy Chapata is a Zimbabwean writer, author, and creative based in Atlanta, Georgia. Billy’s work aims to touch on the concepts of love, healing, connections and growth, through poetry, storytelling and narrative.

3.Noeline Kirabo

This lady is unapologetic about what she wants in life. No goal is too small. I love her and I`m honored to call her friend.

4. Afro bloggers

I follow them on twitter. They formed the #BOTY2019 challenge and I can`t believe I have made it this far. These are the online friends I need in 2020, my writing will thrive.


Share with me your online personalities that you learnt something from,or people whose content you appreciate.

Day 22 of #BOTY2019: The best story you heard/read

I will obviously go with best story you read. Helon Habila`s Travelers wins this one. This book is brilliant,the story line is unpredictable and gripping. The whole time,I wondered why people travel across the seas to get away from Africa? Helon takes us on a journey to understand why people leave Africa,the conditions they go through on water and when they finally get to the promised land. At some point,I could n`t stomach the tale. I had to put the book away.

Read up the review on the guardian:

What is the best story you read or heard?

Day 21 of #BOTY2019: The Compliment that made your year

A compliment according to is a polite expression of praise or admiration.

My mum’s compliment tops the list. When I paid for my sister’s school trip to Queen Elizabeth National park in November, my mum called me and said, “webale kunzara. ” The direct meaning among the banyoro is thank you for giving birth to me. It’s an expression people use to show their gratitude, when someone has come through in a big way like only a mother can. So my mother gave me the biggest compliment ever. I can never repay her for being my mother. My small acts of being a good daughter 😂😂 are simply just that-small acts.

“Thank you for shocking me on my wedding. “ – a certain friend.(I shocked her in a good way).I couldn’t attend her wedding when I found out she was getting married. I purchased a gift and asked a mutual friend to deliver it on D-day. When I finally met her, she told me she knew I had her at heart even though I couldn’t physically be there. I felt all sorts of feelings 😁😊.

Another friend once told me, she’s jealous of my love for others or the way I love people. I must be loving people some type of way, to get this compliment😂😂😂😂.

What praise have you received this year?

Day 20 of #BOTY2019 :Fashion/style trend

A fashion trend according to  is a particular style, or clothing popular at a certain point of time or a particular period of time.

I wore whatever I was comfortable with this year. I`m t-shirt ,jeans and sneakers kinda girl and I wore them this year. I have a pair of boots I bought in Nairobi a while back and it has come in handy in this ever changing Kampala weather.

I also have a liking for jumpsuits and dungarees,I own a couple of them.I hope in 2020 the fashionistas will invent jumpsuits and dungarees that are easy to take off once in the rest rooms,because the current ones are a nightmare.



What was your favorite fashion trend this year?


Day 19 of #BOTY2019: Function/Show/Festival

I almost skipped Day 19 because I skipped attending a certain festival this year,which would have been a perfect entry for this day. I also missed out on seeing Jidenna in the flesh because I didn`t attend ASFAS -Abryanz Style and Fashion Awards and Blankets and Wine.

Not to worry,I made it to all the African Writers Trust events which had cool writers like Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi ,Jackie Kay,Okey Ndibe. When Billy Kahora was in town for the  launch his new book-The Cape Cod Bicycle War and other stories, I was there.


Here is a link  to those events-

I also attended an aunt`s 10 year wedding anniversary where I was an MC. I  have officially become the family MC. It Feels good to be trusted with such responsibility. LOOL!!

I`m  planning on attending the finale of Aka dope with George the Poet this Friday. I hope I go through with it.George the poet performed the official poem for the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Did you attend any  function/show/festival that  this  year? Do tell.

Day 18 of #BOTY2019: Travel experience(Place you went)

Kutambula kulaba is a common phrase coined by baganda whose literal translation is to travel is to see or traveling is seeing. hehehe!!

When you travel you see the other side of life,how people live,experience different cultures,eat food that might not exist where you come from. There`s so much learning that happens when one travels.

This year, my friends and I planned a trip to Fort Portal,which according to Wikipedia is a designated “Tourism city of Uganda”, located in the Western Region of the country. It is the seat of both Kabarole District and the Toro Kingdom.We visited the female and male hot springs-they are so hot that they let you boil an egg and you take it for eating later. We visited Amabere ga Nyinamwiru caves-these caves are shaped inform of nipples, Toro Palace-they have a king though we didn`t find him there,various waterfalls and so much more. The land is beautiful,the people are hospitable and the weather is perfect. Add it to your 2020 bucket list,already.

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Which places did you travel too this year that you loved-they could be places in your country or outside your country? Share in the comment section.

Day 17 of #BOTY2019: App you discovered

I will dive right into this because I never go looking for new apps. I have good friends who will keep me updated on what is working and can work well for me.

As I worked on an influencer gig this year, a friend I made while there, introduced me to videoder -a free YouTube downloader and converter app. This app solved all my downloading problems.I could download music, comedy clips and so much more in any format. How cool is that?!! If you haven`t used videoder ,try it today and thank me later.

Share with me those apps that have made life easy for you in 2019.  

Day 16 of #BOTY2019: Business/service you started using

As we have gotten older,some of my friends have started businesses and I have showed up to support them. This I have done through  using their services,sharing about  their services on social media and recommending people. It`s no wonder that some of the best businesses or services I have on my best of 2019 list include my friends.Here we go;

Hweza creations-I have my own collection of items from Hweza Creations ranging from  vests,tees,and a Pearl of Africa jumper. They have a new collection of tie and dye products out and you bet I`ve placed my order already.

Kitiibwa designs. They manufacture beautiful and strong shoes. I talked about them in this blog here-

Sheraton hotel-A friend invited me over for an evening at the Sheraton hotel,on a day when they had live band and I loved it. Sheraton hotel has live band from Wednesday to Sunday -evenings only. Try them out this festive season.

A friend recommended Nadia`s salon as a place where my hair could get colored.I had searched in vain for natural hair salons that color hair but in vain. Adrine colored my hair so well that I have had it out since October and the color gets better with each wash.If you are in Uganda and want to color your hair,call Adrine on 0772 319956.

I have worn the hair in various twists since October. I originally had put red wine or maroon and with wash outs,this is what I have now. 


What  business or service has made it to your top 5 in 2019?