27 onto 28

So today, I turn a WHOLE 28 years old.I`m getting closer to the 3rd floor and I am as excited as I am scared. I want to share with you some lessons I`ve learned over the last few years. The lessons could be more but I chose 27 as I step into my 28th season.

Here we go:

  1. Have a belief system. As a Christian, my belief system is hinged on/in Christ. Everything I do has a background to the bible. My values are formed by this.
  2. Find your calling and purpose and pursue them wholly. This answers the why, reason for your existence. Take it a notch higher and invest in your purpose.
  3. Don`t be afraid to say NO! When I had just started saying NO, it felt strange on my tongue and left me wondering if the person I had said it to, still loved me, liked or even wanted to be my friend.
  4. Don`t criticize what you aren`t and can`t do. This lesson has been my motto since 2018. Appreciate the fact that someone woke up and did their thing. Hope you are doing yours too.
  5. Mind your own business. Chilleeee *in Sarah Jakes Roberts voice*

Stay calm; mind your own business; do your own job. You’ve heard all this from us before, but a reminder never hurts. – 1 Thessalonians 4:11, MSG

Image source: Sarah Jakes Roberts
  1. Have a healthy support system. I emphasize healthy because the support needs to be balanced. These friends cheer on, celebrate you but also call you out when you are doing foolish things, rebuke you ,ask you the tough questions and you do the same for them.
  2. Read extensively. Forget the notion that, if you want to hide something from an African, put it in a book. Reading keeps you alive and on top of your game. Reading gives you insight into a world beyond your physical environment.
  3. Speak up-Know what you want and speak up. Speak up against things you don`t settle well with you like injustice, sexual harassment, corruption, foul play, et cetera. But also speak up for things you like and love.
  4. Die to opinions of men. I know in Uganda we are raised with the, `What will people say?’ line. It`s crippling and you need to outgrow it.
  5. Support your friends and their hustles. It doesn`t have to be monetary all the time, broadcast their businesses, share their posts on social media, advise them when things aren`t going well, etc. Help them build their empires and careers.
  6. Mentors are gold, find one. Mentoring sets you on a path of discovery, adventure, helps you push your limits and achieve over and above what you expected. I encourage you to find a mentor. I have had a privilege of being mentored by amazing people.
  7. Acknowledge good things and dwell, savor them. We easily acknowledge bad things.
  8. Don`t settle for less. Always aim for more and the very best.
  9. Make that money and don`t apologize for it.
  10. Have boundaries and respect them, others will too. In return, respect other people`s boundaries.
  11. Keeping time is a thing. Dear Ugandans, it’s not just for bazungu –white people.
  12. Run your own race and avoid the comparison disease.
  13. Celebrate small victories/wins. These make up the big wins.
  14. Spend time with people you love.
  15. Travel. It is therapy. Start with small tours of the places nearby and go on expanding your territory. Don`t let people`s Instagram posts get you broke. Travel grows your perspective on people, cultures, mannerisms and a wider view on life and the world.
  16. Seasons are part of life. There will be summer, winter, autumn and spring. Grow through all the seasons. Embrace them.
  17. Practice letting go. It is a painful process but one that has to happen. Sometimes we have to let go of longtime friends, clients, lovers, clothes and pieces we acquired over time.
  18. Be generous with your resources.
  19. Practice MDD. I said it. lol!! Listen to music, its therapeutic. Sway and dance to that beat. Welcome drama, not every drama is 100% dramatic. Some has lessons, fun, revelation and so much more. Live life to the fullest.
  20. Don`t give up on love. Sometimes being in love hurts but pain has never stopped its beauty. Love wholeheartedly and unapologetically.
  21. Self-awareness is bae. Know thyself well. What makes you happy? What do you believe? What makes you sad? Be honest with yourself on every level.
  22. Enjoy being alone but not lonely. I have learned to be with myself and still be comfortable. Years ago, I had an itch to be with people all the time but I`ve learned to be alone, have quiet moments and still be comfortable. Try it.

Here is a bonus;

Don’t hinge your happiness on other people.

Share with me some lessons from your years of living.


Sharing is Caring. This is a phrase that you`ve probably heard be said over and over and over. For the next few weeks, I have purposed that I  am going to be practical with that slogan.

I`m all about sharing with the world what I do but I especially love sharing what my friends do. Not to brag, but I have some pretty cool friends.

I plan to do a 3 part series showcasing what my friends do. I`ve titled this series, “My Friends Hustles”.

I want you to know them and one day, give them business. I know I`m being ambitious but hey, that`s life mwattu.

1. Hweza Creations

Hweza Creations customize items like tees, vests, hoodies, cushions, cups and so much more .

Facebook: Hwezacreations https://www.facebook.com/hwezacreations/

Instagram  hweza_creations

Email: hwezacreations@gmail.com


2. AJ Beauty Glam

AJ Beauty Glam provides bridal styling, makeup for every function including weddings, bridal entourages, photo shoots, private events and so much more…

FB : AJ Beauty Glam https://web.facebook.com/TJGlam/

Contact: 0753-948017

3. Kitiibwa Designs

Kitiibwa (Kitiibwa Designs) is a growing brand in high class fashion and design.  Currently, they produce and sell handcrafted leather sandals and flip-flops for women and men that come in diverse and creative designs. They also welcome custom designs and sizes to suit the individual tastes and needs of our customers.  Their social media handles are:

FB :kitiibwadesigns https://web.facebook.com/kitiibwadesigns/


Contact: 0700 922445(available on Whatsapp)


4. Wami Events

This is an enterprise that focuses on providing videography and photography services for both traditional and church weddings, kukyalas (official visitation by the groom to the bride`s home), corporate events, social events and so much more.

5.Peaches Events Planning

An event planning company that provides complete, management, consulting and supervision for both Corporate and Social Events. They provide clients with spectacular events through creativity and unique planning.

FB: Peaches Events Planning https://web.facebook.com/PeachesEventsPlanning/


Twitter: @EventsPeaches

You tube; @Peaches Events Planning

Comment below with a friend doing a business that must be recognized.

A-Z Bookish Questions

I`m an avid reader and since blogs became a hit,I`m a regular on certain blog sites. I found out about the A-Z Bookish Questions on https://joseyphina.wordpress.com/2019/10/14/bookish-tag-my-world-of-reading/ who got it from Elgeewrites.com https://elgeewrites.com/tag-a-z-bookish-questions/

As a bookworm,I had to jump on this ship and here we are,sail with me.

1.Author you’ve read the most books from:

Goretti Kyomuhendo & Francine Rivers. This year alone I`ve read books by Okey Ndibe ,Emma Hart and Brenda Jackson

 2.Best Sequel Ever:

Granger series by Brenda Jackson

Harry Potter series by J.K.Rowling .She created a world that I got lost in.

Twilight series by  Stephenie Meyer

3.Currently Reading:

Deserted by Bob G. Kisiki

4.Drink of Choice While Reading:

Water and I snack too.

4.E-reader or Physical Book?

I`ve had to adjust to E-reader but a physical book is bae any day.

5.Fictional character you probably would have actually dated in High School:

Hosea in Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

6.Glad You Gave This Book A Chance:

Unbowed: A memoir by Wangari Maathai

 7.Hidden Gem Book:

Confessions of A slot machine Queen by Sandra Adell and Dreams From My Father by Barack Obama

8.Important Moment in your Reading Life:

When I connect with the characters in the book or the plot of the story.

9.Just Finished:

Strength of Character by Joseph Kabuleta

10.Kinds of Books You Won’t Read:

Sci-fi. There I said it.

11.Longest Book You’ve Read:

15 Invaluable laws of Growth by John C.Maxwell. It`s very practical and you can`t rush it.

12.Major book hangover because of:

The Fishermen by Chigozie Obioma

Stay with Me by Abayomi Adebayo

13.Number of Bookcases You Own:

 Does a suit case full of books count?

14.One Book You Have Read Multiple Times:

B-I-B-L-E because you have to read your bible and pray everyday. lol

15.Preferred Place to Read:

My bed because I need a comfortable spot to read a good book.

16.Quote that inspires you/gives you all the feels from a book you’ve read:

“A story that must be told never forgives silence”- Arrows of Rain,Okey Ndibe

17.Reading Regret:

I can`t put a finger on any book.

18.Series You Started And Need To Finish (all books are out in series):

None that come to mind.

19.Three of your All-Time Favorite Books:

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

Not Without My Daughter by Betty Mahmoody

I Dared to Call him Father by Bilquis Sheikh

20.Unapologetic Fangirl For:

Francine Rivers

21.Very Excited For This Release More Than All The Others:

Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi and Goretti Kyomuhendo`s new novels.

22.Worst Bookish Habit:

I`m a greedy reader. I won`t stop until I finish a good book.

I give my books doggy ears. But I`m trying to rectify this by collecting as many bookmarks as possible.

23.X Marks The Spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book:

 No bookshelf

24.Your latest book purchase:

Arrows of Rain,Foreign gods Inc and Never Look An American in the Eye .All by Okey Ndibe

25.ZZZ-snatcher book (last book that kept you up WAY late)

 Stay with Me by Ayobami Adebayo (I highly recommend this book)

26. Books you recommend (my won addition)

All books listed above and some…

Travelers by Helon Habila

First Daughter, Secrets No More and Waiting By Goretti Kyomuhendo

Kintu and Manchester Happened by Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi

The Secret Lives of Baba Segi`s wives by Lola Shoneyin

PS; My recommendation list could get to 300+ but start with these and you shall find your way.

What do you think about my answers? Comment below with your worst bookish habit and recommend a book.


Racheal Kizza 2019



This blog first appeared on http://www.ninnojackjr.com/surrendered-kizza-racheal/?fbclid=IwAR1TaWpqQ4HP1MoNpm7kL2MDAJXeyy4h0XMXABv6gMXALvSFvZ0A0ivF4po

Images: Ninnojackjr

Life had her through a tunnel,
She breathed the cold air in
Small, uncertain steps.
Through a bend
The bend of a new season
A season of red
She wanted to walk away from it all
She looked to the left,
Saw promise, a springing forth but held back

The season beckoned
Yet she stood
The season dressed her
Yet she stood
In need of something more
Too many disappointments registered
Logical discussions

Colored leaves everywhere
With a promise of a new dawn
A dawn of a new era
She perceived it not
Yet the bible she believes
Knows that all creation groans and waits for the manifestation of the true sons of God

But her pain was at the centre
The new season could wait
Let go, a whisper is heard in the wind
Who is that? She demands
All things work together for your good…surrender, more whispers
Let go

Her back straightens
Her face lights up
Color retraces her steps into her life
Color marks her
She is surrendered
Ready to give in, lean in

The weight of her pain fell off
She turns the other cheek.