Taking Stock Three

I get so excited when a month comes to its end and a new one begins. I love new beginnings. They always fill me with HOPE and you know what the bible says,Hope does not disappoint. Even with the ongoing pandemic,I`m still hopeful about April being a great month.

Take stock with me today and I challenge you to do this on a daily or weekly basis. This will keep you productive in this lockdown phase.

Let’s dive in….

Making: Time to pray and pray some more, read and catch up on series.

Eating: healthier meals because we have health goals to achieve. The pandemic is no excuse to eat whatever.

Drinking: water and tea.

Reading: Buy the Future: Learning to Negotiate For a Future Better than Your Present by Mensa Otabil. This read has been enlightening and had me writing down nuggets for future use. What was on your March read list?

buy the future
Photo source:Google

Wanting: Stability in Uganda and the world at large.

Playing: music,I`m proud to say this Corona situation has me creating playlists for everything.

Wasting: no time complaining about the Corona virus and its effects on Uganda.

Creating: future content,this sounds like the content is for 2024.LOL!!

Wishing: for 2020 to overwhelm me with money, books, travel and every good thing.

Wondering: how April will look like.

Hoping: for good news.

Marveling: at people’s perceptions in times of crisis.

Smelling: a calmness in the neighborhood;no one is in a rush to do anything,not even the air we are breathing.

Wearing: my hair in bitutwa aka knots because the lockdown happened before I visited the salon.

Following: people who bring me joy and happiness on social media.

Noticing: how God is at work.

Knowing: that this too shall pass.

Bookmarking: nothing in particular.

Feeling: rested and happy.

Happy new month.

In April,your moving from glory to glory,

Love on Love
