#1: What now??

I am almost ashamed to greet you all and say happy new year . A month has already passed and I honestly didn`t know what to write about. Not sure if it was writer`s block or just unseriousness that stopped me from scribbling unordinary things here??(*insert wondering emojis*)

It`s a sunny afternoon and I decided to write something down as I read through a new found blog by a 24 year old girl travelling the world for a living-http://girlvsglobe.com/ and listening to Do it again by elevation worship( I have had this song on replay since Jan,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dYmVphxEao ) The song is off their new album, Evidence. Go check it out. It`s beautiful and befitting for our KING.

I can`t get enough of each phrase. I want it to saturate my very being till I am bowed in a posture of worship in my writing, walking, talking, dreaming,beliefs  so whoever encounters me has Godly encounters.

Now that January is over, what next? The hype for new years resolutions is out the door.We are into the love month, what now? Do we still remember our plans for 2018??

Image result for what now images

This year I am excited about a number of things and I will share two that are close to my heat-GANG and walking a journey with a few amazing ladies.

What is GANG?In my own words, GANG is a yearlong discipleship and leadership  huddle geared towards helping young people in Worship Harvest ministries grow in all spheres. I am in GANG with amazing young people and I look forward to learning from each one of them, have great collaborations too (shout out to Mable).

PS: Our Gang leaders are soooooo cool.

Walking with a few amazing ladies which is loosely translated as mentoring. This year I believe ,this is one of the areas God is growing me in. I am no expert at mentoring,hehehe. However, with God being in the driver`s seat, I fear nothing. He makes all things beautiful in His timing and I am excited to meet with these ladies and simply do life with them.

What are your 2018 plans and how  far  have you gone with executing them?????


Welcome to 2018.

Happy new year.