Book review 17:The Bell is ringing

Book title :The Bell is ringing

Subtitle:Martin Aliker’s story

Author :Martin Aliker with David Gibbs & Hugh Macmillan


Do you know what happens when you are next to an amazing photographer and have a great book? You`re right. An unplanned photo shoot happensπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Slay queens mukikola muutya??Photo shoots are hard work.

I was introduced to this book by a one Benjamin Tumukunde ;who constantly recommends legit books.I sum this book up in one statement: Purpose = influence.

Martin Aliker is born in Acholi land to Lacito Okech in 1928,a prominent chief.As a son of a chief, he gets an opportunity to study at Kings school,Budo(now Kings college,Budo) a school for the royals and later joins Makerere University college -now Makerere University.

Because of his desire to travel to America for further studies,he goes to Need Munger and tells him, “Uganda needs trained people.I also mentioned that I enjoyed ,and was good at,science and that there was not one African dentist in the whole of Uganda.”

He gets into Northwestern University in Chicago which had the best African studies program in the US.He learns from the best in dentistry and later on meets,Camille, a black American woman.The two later get married and move to Uganda. They have four children together and have been married for 56 years.

He was so excited to come back home and practice but found archaic machines in the local hospital until he was advised to go into private practice. His private practice flourished and he was called upon to operate on Dr. Obote when he was shot in the mouth.

He grew in prominence ,it’s like God had ordained for him a path of influence. Heads of states knew him and top CEO’s wanted him to be on their boards.He was forced into exile in Kenya by Amin as a result of his chairmanship at the Uganda Argus-a local newspaper.He thrived in Nairobi and grew his dentistry in a foreign country.

He has a rich story,full of history seen through the eyes of a Ugandan. He speaks of all Ugandan presidents right from Kabaka Mutesa who on his opinion the only uncorrupt president to date because he had it all. Speaks of his growth from dentistry and later politics.

At one point,he was asked to be president but he turned down the offer .Museveni recruited him as a state minister for foreign affairs because of his diplomatic relations.He was sent to Libya to meet Gaddafi ,LRA to meet Kony and his men,UK,US on behalf of Uganda.

He ends the book with retrospection, comparing the Uganda then and the Uganda now. There are major differences,good ones at that and he exposes the gaps.

“I am a Ugandan who was alive and mature when this nation was born on 9th October 1962. It is not a perfect country ,but it is a beautiful country with mostly good people. It is the only country we call our own. Nobody can deport or expel us from this land of ours.”

I recommend this book to every Ugandan. You deserve to know the history of Uganda through the eyes of a Ugandan.You are guaranteed to learn so much about Uganda and the events that have transpired over the years e.g LRA rebel group, the untouchables, education,strong civil service,British colonial rule.

PS; Look at my hair mane.hihi

He brings the story home. This is Uganda’s book.

Photography :Jude Ochen

Book Review 16 : Half Of A Yellow Sun

Book : Half of A Yellow Sun

Author: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Pages: 433

Half of A Yellow Sun explores what transpired during the civil war between Nigeria-Biafra in the early 1960’s.

Photo courtesy: Acom Victoria

Odeningbo is the ‘revolutionary lover’ ,optimistic and opinionated about Nigeria and the world at large. He is highly educated and has a lover-Olanna,whose beauty is as rare as a gem and equally captivating. Both are educated from “abroad/overseas,” they are nearly not “African enough” until the civil war.

Their house boy Ugwu is the epitome of loyalty,he is ready to please his ‘sah’ and ‘mah’. He is woven intricately into their lives that not even the war can break that bond.

The barriers between servant and sah are not evident,sah puts Ugwu in school and opens him up to possibilities because he believes education is for all and gives one a future.

Olanna like many African women who are unable to conceive quickly as per the mother-in-law`s timeline ,faces the cold truth about ‘another woman.’ She discovers that her lover,impregnated a mere ‘village girl”.She can’t seem to get past her betrayal until her Aunt Ifeka tells her,”you must never behave as if your life belongs to a man.Your life belongs to you and you alone…”

The war changes every one even loyal Ugwu,he takes part in a gang rape of a bar girl and deep within he loathes himself . Olanna`s rich parents leave the country because they are afraid of the war but their children choose to stay.

Kainene and Richard. Kainene is Olanna’s twin sister who seemed unruffled by life’s happenings.She happened to life,life never happened to her.In her steel demeanor,she loves Richard-oyinbo-‘white man’ though she will not say it. She is like the master and he the mistress. She manages her rich father’s businesses and knows who to trade with.

Olanna betrays her in cold blood when she has sex with Richard. Both parties are guilty.Richard was blown away by Olanna`s beauty. Everyone referred to her as the beautiful one and Kainene as the plain one with a steel demeanor

. Kainene tells them both,”it’s unforgivable” and a cloth of unforgiveness envelopes her never to go off but the civil war causes the sisters to forgive each other.They had more conversation during the war than happier times. Olanna suddenly enjoyed her sister’s sarcasm and even laughed along.

Olanna finally had a confidant when it came to ‘should I keep the village girl’s baby”, Kainene seemed to think it’s Noble and Olanna kept the baby. She became a mother to baby and loved her so much that she would do anything for her even during the war.

Kainene unbothered,unruffled woman of steel cannot be found,even after the war is over. I personally screamed and almost threw my book away, how could Adichie end the book just like that.How?? Kainene, strong and unruffled by anything was never found and both Olanna and Richard were never the same.

This book is real, compassionate and insightful.

War in any form is bad,tears families apart,causes wounds and leaves them exposed.War makes for strange alliances .War tears nation’s apart,there is nothing good about war.

Adichie weaves a superb book leaving one stunned and with a gruesome picture of what civil war can do to it’s Nationals.

I recommend the novel to anyone who needs to be reminded that starting a war is not a walk in the park .Whoever needs to be reminded to have a little compassion for their neighbors.whoever needs a stern reminder to be loyal to her people and all friendships.

Got my copy from Turn the Page Africa-

PS; Follow them across all social media platforms -Turn the page Africa


Book Review 15: No Makeup On

Book title: No Makeup On

Subtitle:The Rebirth of Identity

Author: Hope Babigumira

Pages: 150

I got this book from a friend (Hey Prossy) and I promised her that I would be done within a week,little did I know that a week was too long for me to devour 150 pages. Hope Babigumira thank you for sharing your story with me. Here goes my review….

No makeup on is a transparent book with a grace-filled story.


Hope is born into a good family with father ,mother,siblings, a good house and good schools and so much more. Her parents care so much to give them a good education and therefore ensure they enroll them into the best schools in Kabale, because hey, the right foundation is important.

As with many Ugandan stories, death snatches their father away from them and the once well off family lands on a stranger-STRUGGLE. Her mother has to pick up what is left and fend for her babies along with other dependents ,who she had to eventually release because she was unable to help them any longer. As if the loss of their father wasn`t enough, death visited again and snatched away their little brother. It could have been Hope but as fate would have it, the brother sat in her place and boom,the wall hit him hard.

Hope on the other hand goes through her own struggles. She struggles to fit in, be cool, body consciousness and sensitivity, sexual abuse, drinking and partying, daddy issues, abortion.

Armed with a distorted self image, Hope ends up getting pregnant for the first man who treated her like a queen. Her perspective on love was what Mills and Boon had served her with, a handsome money with a body to die for, would meet you and you fall in love instantly ,have sex and live happily ever after. But this wasn`t the case, this handsome man got her pregnant and he wanted nothing to do with her. Stuck with a pregnancy in her Senior six, her friends advise her to abort and she goes through with it. This left her with a feeling of guilt only God can heal anyone from.

SheΒ  moves on to Makerere University, her cycle never ends, drinking, partying, and sex never stop. She graduates, starts the work journey but has no idea of saving or handling money better ,which is the case with many graduates and those still at the university. She is on a journey to financial freedom and writing a book is one of the chapters on this journey.

She meets her husband, they fall in love and move on to start a family. She comes back to her church roots (she was raised in a christian home with strong christian values) because she was tired of life as she knew it and needed to be better for her daughter.

A friend recommends her to a church-worship Harvest where she heard the gospel of grace. She could n`t believe that God wanted anything to do with her after her dark past, but indeed He wanted everything to do with her. God has dealt with her daddy issues, distorted identity, sexual abuse trauma, low self esteem and so much more. He has restored her to Himself and to her purpose.

It is evident through her journey that she has learned invaluable lessons, found her voice and her purpose. She is ready to live her life with purpose and impact the next generation of young ladies.

I recommend this book to every girl/woman out there, we all have issues we are dealing with similar to Hope`s.We need someone to tell a story we relate too/with and Hope does that in her book.You are guaranteed to have `AHA!!’ moments as you flip the pages.

To all the ladies out there, you are enough.You FATHER loves you deeply.He rejoices over you with singing. Be brave.Be you.

Get a copy of the bookΒ  at Aristoc -30,000 Ugx




Book review 14: How to be happy though married

Book title: How to be happy though married


Author:Tim LaHaye

I am not married yet πŸ˜… but this didn’t stop me from devouring this book. Tim LaHaye is a pastor and counsellor who openly discusses issues on how two Christians can write and overcome their issues in a practical manner.

The book is centered on how two Christians unite to form one spiritual, emotional, and physical body .Each chapter explores a key, giving scriptural backup,counselling experiences and realities,sealing it with research.

The keys include; opposite attract where he explores various temperaments (more on this in his book,spirit controlled temperaments).couples ought to know their temperament and understand it.

Key 2: Forget yourself.My favorite quote ,”do you want your wife to treat you like a king?then treat her like a queen!!”

“Most counsellors acknowledge three basic areas of marital adjustment -mental,physical and spiritual.Proper adjustment in each of these areas is necessary to create a well rounded marriage.”

The author raises must answered questions, “how do you socialise when married?is appearance important in marriage?how much information to give away to outsiders?how to raise children,church to go to and so much more. He offers answers and real examples from various couples he has counselled which makes the book very practical.

He takes time to talk candidly about sex,goes to length to give a detailed explanation of how the male and female body behaves during sex.

This book is highly educative with a balance of research from various authors and the greatest author -God. Being a Christian,the Bible verses and revelation put perspective on each point.

I highly recommend this book to all those courting and intending to marry, marrieds,marrieds mentoring other young couples. This can be used as a study book.

I recommend it for ladies who need perspective on information they get in bridal showers, relationship conferences.

Book image:

Book review 13: I dared to call Him Father

Book: I Dared to call Him Father

Subtitle: The Miraculous story of a Muslim Woman`s Encounter with God



Authors: Bilquis Sheikh with Richard H.Schneider


I have to admit this is by far one of my best reads this year. I laughed, cried and got chills all over from reading Bilquis Sheikh`s encounter with God. I read this book in one day, it’s gripping and so beautiful.

The book opens with a frightening presence, Bilquis an aristocratic from a rich Muslim family feels and is aware of a presence while in her flower garden. The presence literally touches her and she runs for the safety of her house where the presence albeit can`t touch her. She is flustered and her servants wonder what is wrong with her. She asks her two servants, Nur-jan who is Muslim and Raisham -a Christian whether they believe in spiritual things. And they both avoided answering her question. Nur-jan insisted they invite the village mullah to cleanse the garden.

Bilquis deep down knew there was no evil spirit in her garden. She felt a deep seated desire to read the bible after a series of dreams. She was no dreamer but suddenly was having dream after dream with Jesus in them. She gets a bible but does n`t understand it and in the night visits a popular missionary couple-the Mitchells and her only question is, `Do you know anything about God?’’ Mrs. Mitchell’s reply is an interesting one, `I`m afraid I don`t know as much as my husband knows about God, but I do know Him.” Bilquis finds her answer odd and wonders how one can presume to know God intimately.

This visit cemented a long time relationship between the couple who introduced her to other great Christians in the village of Wah. Bilquis enjoyed her new found family who replaced her own blood relations. Upon hearing about her conversion, her family cut off any sort of communication with her because she had done the unforgiveable. Her own daughter pleaded with her not to do but her plea fell on deaf ears. She lost relatives but no one informed her so she could attend burial.

Bilquis got baptized in the holy spirit at 54 and everything about her changed and she grew in her knowledge of God as her father. She had adopted her daughter`s son-Mahmud who also grew into Christianity and enjoyed the bible stories.

Having experienced the tangibility of God from day one, she mentions how the presence of God left her a couple of times due to things she had done. On the other hand, I believe the presence of God can`t leave us. He promises in Hebrews13:5, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” However, we can loose awareness of His presence.

BilquisΒ  Sheikh is used by God to share her testimony at a conference that was being organized by Billy Graham in Singapore. This was the beginning of her new purpose.

I like the fact that Mrs.Mitchel gives her tale of the flower lady and ends the book on a great and personal note.

I highly recommend this amazing book for anyone who needs to be reminded what it means to be set apart for God.

I recommend this book for anyone who desires to see the power of God at work.

PS; Bilquis Sheikh died on 9th April,1997 aged 85.

Book review 12: Secrets of a millionaire mind

Ever met a millionaire who knows their net worth but also knows what being broke is?? Meet T. Harv Eker, the author of this amazing book. His wit and sarcasm makes the book a worthy financial read guaranteed to change your financial life-only if you put the word to work.

milionaire mind photo
Photo courtesy of google

He dispels what a poor mindset looks like and gives practical steps to empower your mind to think like a millionaire. He causes you to question your money blue print which must somewhat change if you are to become a millionaire. A financial blue print is what has been passed on consciously or sub consciously about finances by our parents, environments,TV, other people and has become our truth knowingly or unknowingly. He believes, the major difference between rich people and middle class and poor people is the mindset and focus. You will find the 17 wealth files deciphering the ways rich people think differently from poor and middle class people.

The book has been revelatory for me, I am currently going through a serious financial shift in my life . Learning that my blue print needs a shift and I need to pick up thinking like the rich do and stop thinking money belongs to the rich who are thugs, corrupt, fishy has set me on a whole new financial literacy journey.β€œYou can`t be what you despise.”

I always thought net worth is an exclusive term used by rich people (its not their term but they care more about it than the poor and middle class people )and its not important for me to know my net worth. woe unto me. I must mind my net worth in order to cut the poverty cycle in my family.

For the Christians, he thoroughly answers your questions and puts your mind at ease on whether it is okay to have lots of money since some have been taught that money is evil.

The book has practical applications and real life experiences that must be acted on to realize your financial goals.

If you admire to become rich, have your money work for you, live a dignified life, give to those in need, make contributions to family things and enjoy lunch at nice hotels without looking at the right-hand column of the menu, then this is for you.

Remember, “to get rich, learn new ways of doing things.” If you`re old ways haven`t yielded any fruit, I recommend this book asap.

For more financial tips, follow T. Harv Eker on twitter-

Book Review 11: The Richest Man In Babylon

The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason is a classic tale about Babylon a man-made city that drew the attention of its neighbors to question how they managed to make wealth and multiply it for generations.

richest man

The tale unfolds with various characters whose knowledge with money can`t be ignored. Akard, who is referred to as the richest man in Babylon carefully and with detail tells of how he has made his wealth, and passed on this knowledge to his son who has borne fruit over and above. Akard`s childhood friends come to inquire from him the secret to his wealth. He willingly shares his secrets but like many of us, some of his childhood friends doubt and believe there is a deeper hidden source to his wealth. A few practice the principles he has passed on to them and grow rich. The king of Babylon also calls upon Akard to share with all the Babylonians the secrets to his wealth thus making Babylon one of the richest cities.

My favorite quote from the book is, `Our prosperity as a nation depends upon the personal financial prosperity of each of us as individuals.” There is no selfishness in that statement and it gives a call to action to all people. Mind about your neighbor`s financial health. It is a lie to think having a few rich people is okay. We all ought to be rich and help others build their financial muscle because the prosperity of our nation depends on each individual`s financial health.

Topics such as seizing opportunities, procrastination, determination, investing, growing your ability and becoming a master in your trade and so much more are intertwined in this classic tale.

The question on everyone`s lips was, `how did the Babylonians do it?” If you care to know the answer, gethe book. It has practical lessons that will leave you sober about your finances.

Are you in a financial fix, debt upon debt? I deeply recommend this book.

If you love a good story coupled with life lessons, this book is for you.

Grab yourself a copy now. You just might be the next richest man/woman in your family or Kampala.


Book Review 10

Book : Coffee and Love Chats

Author: Lorraine Onyango

Pages: 123

ISBN:978 9966 1891 03


The author beautifully opens the love chats with her own love story detailing her own journey;the how she met her husband and her worries of a long distance relationship to the engagement. She further reveals the “why” for putting the book together-to change the conversation on marriage as portrayed in the media that marriages are doomed to fail.

She intricately weaves her web with a vast majority of couples who clearly show that marriage is not doomed to fail,it can work out with God at the center. Some couples reveal they got married immediately after university while others met in a matatu, bank hall and struck up conversations and one thing led to another. Each story is unique and the people are diverse and the constant in their stories is -God.

The common questions discussed include expectations about the spouse, parenting, finances,investment, children or the lack thereof, employment choices/career, health and involvement of family and friends. The couples answer the questions with an open vulnerability helping the reader to fully understand the gist of marriage and how our upbringing forms our perceptions on marriage. One of the couples reveals that,“ marriage is not for people who are unprepared..” It calls for a certain level of maturity and dying to self by God`s grace in order to be the spouse God desires you to be.

It is evident from the answers the couples give that, upbringing plays at vital role in marriage.One couple in particular,the lady(Turi Wamboye) shares how she was getting ready to prepare her husband tea in the same sufuria they had used to cook meat.He(Ernest Wamboye) stopped her and said where he was raised,each dish had its own sufuria.Imagine that!!! They had to purchase another sufuria.

Some questions begot answers that were left hanging or incomplete as you read the book .For example; One of the ladies says her husband stopped pursuing her. She didn’t`t further break it down for one to understand what pursuing meant to her since it is evident, we all view things differently based on our upbringing and many other factors.

Most of the couples revealed the importance of pre-marital counselling and its vitality during the whole dating/courting affair .

I recommend this book to the singles, those dating and are preparing to be married and also the marrieds. It gives a fresh christian perspective on the whole marriage affair.This can be used as a guide for asking hard but vital questions . The warmth as each page is opened is undeniable.

It’s a conversation starter.

Get your coffee and enjoy the love chats.

For enquiries,bookings or correspondence :


Racheal Kizza Β© 2017

Book review #9

Book: Real life, Real Miracles

Subtitle: True stories that will help you believe.

Authors: James.L.Garlow and Keith Wall

Pages: 314


Real life, Real Miracles spins a captivating web of miracles that fan the bible truths to life for both believers and non-believers.
The authors share a collection of miracles of people from all walks of life. A miracle according to the authors is, `a love letter from God to His people.’’ The miracles shared exponentially reveal the reality of God in our day to day lives.

God is revealed as a healer of any disease, provider, protector, way maker and the angelic ministration is fanned to life with people recounting their angelic encounters in the most unlikely places and scenarios. This book brings the #God is not dead to life and cements the very existence of the Heavenlies and how they evade earth for His glory.

God is not limited by natural laws. He clearly controls everything and anything. He is never too late, He is always on the, “nick of time.’’ He is a loving father who desires we experience Heaven on earth.

This book is sure enough to expand your faith and deeply encourage you as you journey with God.

I recommend this book to every person who doubts the existence of God.

For more book reviews, check out

Racheal Kizza Β© 2017

Book review#8

Book title: Angels on Assignment

Author: Charles and Frances Hunter, as told by Roland Buck

Pages: 125


Charles and Frances Hunter retell the experiences of Roland Buck detailing His angelic encounters and the message revealed from God through them.

The encounters Pastor Roland Buck has with the angelic are quite extraordinary and He reveals that with each visitation there is a reason. “Look beyond supernatural encounters to the reason for the visit.’’ Angels are eternal beings and come straight from the presence of God and can`t be commanded by man to do anything, only God commands them to do things for human beings.

The book further reveals that, “God`s plan is a family plan and all household members must be saved.’’ This is encouraging news to the body of Christ, knowing that God is at work for every family member. He cares.

Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice for all people and this is referred to as atonement. “Atonement in Hebrew is Kaphar, means to cover, cancel.’’ From God`s view point, He sees us as holy, unblameable and unreproveable and from man`s view point, man sees sin, fault and failure. You are covered so start looking at yourself from God`s view.

People are special to God and He desires we be the living word to them by practically meeting their needs. `If you want to know where God lives on the this earth, look where people are and you will find His address because God lives where people are hurting. He wants to help.’’

Praise and worship is important to God and is an equalizer between heaven and earth. We were created to worship and Honor God.

The book sums up a simple message ,GOD CARES and His unfolding plan will come to pass no matter what.

Racheal Kizza Β© 2017