Taking Stock 11

Making: Plans. I’m a planner to the dot and I love it.

Eating: nothing special in particular.

Drinking: lots of rosemary tea.

Reading: Travelers by Helon Habila .Ps. He will be at Writivism from August,15th-August,18th at the National theatre.

Wanting: to scream and a gateaway .

Playing: music and sermons all day. My earphones have been loyal.😂😂

Wasting:no time on negative people in my life & social timelines.

Creating: time to read.

Wishing: for quick results in everything

Enjoying : books and more books. I have read 7 books this month👏👏👏

Wondering: why my sort of personality won’t allow me to be quiet in a corner when I get into a place. 😂😂😥😥

Loving: spiritual things.

Hoping:for a shift

Marveling: at spiritual things.

Smelling: mum’s body spray -cherry blossom

Wearing:my natural hair out

Following: Rabbi Daniel Malinga. His fellowship happens every Friday at 6:00pm at Silver Springs hotel, Bugolobi. He is a teacher of the word and I’m happy to learn from him always.

Noticing:how my natural hair is loving the Nissi hair products.

Knowing: that you can’t criticize what you’re not doing. Period.

Bookmarking: a particular quote from a friend, “Trust God with people and their processes. ”

Feeling: I can’t put it into words.

Shift in August,

Love on Love


©RachealKizza 2019

Taking stock Two

racheal 3
Source: Pinterest

Making: more time for prayer. Yes, I love to pray. I have found myself running to my Father more. I find peace,love ,joy,comfort ,wisdom for the next hour.

Eating: muesli. I ensure my breakfast is lit and healthy.

Drinking:Lots of mukwano tea. Every time is tea time. My workplace has a steady supply of tea.As a tea lover, I am grateful.

Reading:Dreams of my father by Barack Obama. I feel like a boss lady flipping the pages; being inspired by the First black president of the United States.

Wanting:To travel to Rwanda and Tanzania. I just want to get away and be in a foreign country,walk in the woods, smile at strangers,eat foreign food. I just want to be away. Anybody feeling this way??

Playing:Videos by Caleb & Kelsey, this duo is amazing.They literally mash up any song. https://www.facebook.com/calebandkelseyofficial/videos/1784995754896077/

Wasting:no time in making power moves. I am excited to be conquering my fears each day.

Creating:content for my blog and a few social media pages I manage. This has set me on a creative path beyond my wildest dreams. I am enjoying it everyday.

Wishing:I had all the money in the world to solve my friend`s problems as well as my own. If you had all the money in the world what would you do with it?

Enjoying:Reading and creating content. My creative juices are flowing and its exciting.

Wondering:What`s next for Uganda with Hon. Kyagulanyi giving the president and government at large sleepless nights.

Loving:My new job. Yes,I am currently working with African Writers Trust. I am loving everything about new my job.

Hoping:for opportunities to make wealth. I must manifest the wealth and abundance of my Father in Heaven.

Marvelling:at how God strategically places us .He is a mighty God.A God of strategy and tactic.

Smelling:Fresh air. My workplace is in a serene environment and the air is fresh and the atmosphere is perfect for work,reading,creating .What more could I ask for?

Wearing:my natural hair in a protective style. I don’t know what it’s called,but my sister Ronnet created it(not sure from where) and the other sister,Joy executed😂😂.I am just glad I don’t have to think about my hair for a week or two.

Following:Amina Abdi Rabar (https://www.instagram.com/amina_kenya/) on instagram. She is a mum, wife,singer,TV host on the trend and /Radio host on capital FM Kenya,MC. She is literally on every stage right now hosting this and that. I am inspired by her power moves.

Noticing:two things .(1).the signs of rain God is sending my way. I am literally excited for the downpour.Can you see the signs of rain in your situation right now? (2).There is space for each one of us in the world,go ahead and be great.

Knowing: Anyone can get back up from anything,be it scandal,loss of a parent,job,marriage. Ask Tiger Woods.

Bookmarking:Pearls for her,Uganda( https://www.pearlsforherug.com/). This site has amazing content that is real and so Ugandan yet at the same time,international. Makes sense?hehe.

Opening:up to the idea of having a photo shoot. I am toying with the idea. I am also open to the idea of adding a professional flair to my blog,turn it into a rachealkizza.com or No Ordinary Scribbles.com(Whatchu think?Help me decide on this)

Giggling: at Bebe Cool. This guy is interesting.He seems unruffled by the public lash he is getting for supporting the president. He is standing for something at least,right? What are you standing for?Who are you standing with?

Feeling:Fed up with how we treat church as a social club. It’s a place where the lost get found.The sick meet the physician.The broken are covered not exposed. The wounded are healed and restored. Purpose flourishes and LOVE conquers all things,believes all things.

Happy October.

Love on Love.


Book review 14: How to be happy though married

Book title: How to be happy though married


Author:Tim LaHaye

I am not married yet 😅 but this didn’t stop me from devouring this book. Tim LaHaye is a pastor and counsellor who openly discusses issues on how two Christians can write and overcome their issues in a practical manner.

The book is centered on how two Christians unite to form one spiritual, emotional, and physical body .Each chapter explores a key, giving scriptural backup,counselling experiences and realities,sealing it with research.

The keys include; opposite attract where he explores various temperaments (more on this in his book,spirit controlled temperaments).couples ought to know their temperament and understand it.

Key 2: Forget yourself.My favorite quote ,”do you want your wife to treat you like a king?then treat her like a queen!!”

“Most counsellors acknowledge three basic areas of marital adjustment -mental,physical and spiritual.Proper adjustment in each of these areas is necessary to create a well rounded marriage.”

The author raises must answered questions, “how do you socialise when married?is appearance important in marriage?how much information to give away to outsiders?how to raise children,church to go to and so much more. He offers answers and real examples from various couples he has counselled which makes the book very practical.

He takes time to talk candidly about sex,goes to length to give a detailed explanation of how the male and female body behaves during sex.

This book is highly educative with a balance of research from various authors and the greatest author -God. Being a Christian,the Bible verses and revelation put perspective on each point.

I highly recommend this book to all those courting and intending to marry, marrieds,marrieds mentoring other young couples. This can be used as a study book.

I recommend it for ladies who need perspective on information they get in bridal showers, relationship conferences.

Book image: bookdepository.com

Book review #9

Book: Real life, Real Miracles

Subtitle: True stories that will help you believe.

Authors: James.L.Garlow and Keith Wall

Pages: 314


Real life, Real Miracles spins a captivating web of miracles that fan the bible truths to life for both believers and non-believers.
The authors share a collection of miracles of people from all walks of life. A miracle according to the authors is, `a love letter from God to His people.’’ The miracles shared exponentially reveal the reality of God in our day to day lives.

God is revealed as a healer of any disease, provider, protector, way maker and the angelic ministration is fanned to life with people recounting their angelic encounters in the most unlikely places and scenarios. This book brings the #God is not dead to life and cements the very existence of the Heavenlies and how they evade earth for His glory.

God is not limited by natural laws. He clearly controls everything and anything. He is never too late, He is always on the, “nick of time.’’ He is a loving father who desires we experience Heaven on earth.

This book is sure enough to expand your faith and deeply encourage you as you journey with God.

I recommend this book to every person who doubts the existence of God.

For more book reviews, check out https://web.facebook.com/52bookchallengeuganda/

Racheal Kizza © 2017